Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Trying Hard

People everywhere in the world today are trying hard to make a living. We all know that crisis is global but there is always a way to survive if we will just try hard to do what we can.

I just want to share what I have found one time when I am searching for something to do. I came across a site that offers work from home job. Wow!! interesting, I would not spend gas to travel to work and there's no pressure to deal with co workers and a Boss. I was so excited to read more. It says, no experience needed. What? I am curious of what it is all about. Then as I continue to read, I found out that it is a craft company. They are hiring people to assemble their products from the comfort of their own home. All you have to do is to buy a kit and train yourself at home using a video of instruction of how to assembler the product you want to do. They have lots of products you can choose from.

Well, I visit their office personally because I want to see their samples for me to figure out what product is easy to assemble. It is kind of hard because the crafts are so tiny. Finally I found one which I think would be easy for me to make. Oh!! well, it is not that easy because you have to do it exactly the same as the sample. Oh!! I am trying hard to do it and by this time a write this blog, I am still half way of doing my sample. I have to submit it when I am done for evaluation and if it won't pass I will do it again up to 3 times until I will pass inspection.

I hope I can pass for one try.. hahaha.. just a wish because I am not a crafty person. I am just trying to find ways to earn. Wish me luck.

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