Friday, May 1, 2009

Flea market Experience

Well, flea market is an interesting place for me here in this country. hahaha if you will ask why? it is because I can find most of the food that I use to have back in my country. hehehe Don"t think that I come from Mexico because most vendors in the flea market are Mexicans. It just happen that the Mexicans and the Asians have similar kinds of food and items we usually used.

I compare the price of vegetables and other goods in the flea market from that in the store. It has a big difference. I can buy a bundle of broccoli in the flea market as cheaper as $1.50 and it is $3 in walmart. That is a 50 percent difference. A bundle of Asparagus for $1 dollar and the regular price in other store is $3.50? that is a big savings. with my $10, I can go home with 2 plastics bags full of vegetables. I really love that.

Not only vegetables but also other things like kitchen utensils, dresses, draperies and etc.
It is a help to all of us who are struggling in this poor economy that we are facing today.

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