Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Learn to accept the reality of life

That's right. Learn to accept the reality of life wherever you are. Speaking of job opportunities nowadays, even of you have the ability and you are qualified for the job you applied for, if you have no connections, it is really hard to be hired. I have seen a lot of unqualified people for the job they are in but because they have connections, the were able to get the job. It is very aggravating and frustrating to see this happening but what can we do?

A lot of people said, " you have to do volunteer work in order to market your ability". Wow!! that is easier said than done. With the gas price keep on increasing almost everyday, how many people would drive 10-15 miles to do volunteer work? Maybe there are some but hey!! is it fair? Well, others will just do it just to know gain experience and to have reference if somebody will hire them in the future.

It is indeed frustrating. It happened to me many times already that I applied for the job that I know I am qualified for that certain position because I have a degree while the work doesn't ask for any degree but I wasn't hired for the reason I am not sure what. Well, I know it is not good to question them why? but I did it. Well, sounds embarrassing to me, but hey!! I have to speak up.
They told me different reasons. The other said, I am over qualified for the job, some said we want to hire you in another position which is (very impossible to be created) and right then, I said to myself, if we have no connections, even if we are qualified, no body would hire us.

I am just wishing that someday they will be the one to ask me when they see that I can do things that others ( specially those they hired in place of me) can not do. Hey!! I know I have special skills that can benefit their organization. I know that what I have, others don't have. So someday, they will realize that they need my service. LOL JUST A WISH.

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