Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Inspiring surprise!!!

Last night, I received a note from a friend in AC ( associated Content) with a big CONGRATULATIONS!! I was amazed what for? then she said on her note that I made it to the top 1000, my badge as AC producer. Well, I just smile because she might be mistaken. But I have a high regard on this lady and I know she will not be kidding or made a mistake? I was so curious of what she is talking about that I log in to the site and checked what was it all about.
Well, I saw the badge beside my name in my profile and I read the explanation what it was all about. Since I am not searching or reading more about their FAQ or promotions or other offers, I did not know that they will award their content producers who have high page views in the previous year. Meaning last year 2008. I did not expect that I made it to the top 1,000 with my page views. Well, I'm glad, I don;t know how it happened but what I know is that I just promote my articles , book mark it to popular websites affiliated by associated content.

I really love this site because you can earn double with your article. They will pay you with an upfront payment ranging from $3 and up depending upon the topic and quality of your content and you be paid by your page view bonus every month. That is cool.. which means as long as there is AC on the web, you will be receiving your page view bonus every month. So, the more articles you have the more money you can get if you promote your article properly and you have good key words. It is exciting. If you want to try joining you can visit associated content
You can also check my content in this link.. associated content.com/user.125082/lets.html
You don't need to be writer to join. Just share what you learned.


Allen's Darling said...

Hi Ate

I'm happy for you keep it up! TC

Unknown said...

Hi, Allen's darling, thanks....