Monday, February 16, 2009

The Lost Sea Experience!!!

The Lost sea is America's Largest underground Lake. It was an exciting experience to have an adventure underground. We traveled from NC to Chattanooga TN. Oh!! it was a long drive like 4-5 hours? But it was an exciting experience. We sleep over night in the cave. It doesn't look like a cave inside.. This place is a registered natural land mark. It is lovely inside the cave. You will be fascinated by strange and unusual rock formations, Take a boat ride adventure in the lake. We had a tour inside the cave, with our tour guides.. we were I think 4 groups at that time, going in different directions.. We experienced crawling and climbing high rocks.. Oh!! what an adventure.
There are lots of lights inside that it looks like an underground city. I have never seen like this lake in my life underground? it is so amazing. After a 4 -5 hours tour we find a place to rest for the night. It was so noisy inside that it is very hard to fall asleep. Snoring here and there LOL and farting too. hahaha.. some are coughing and some are talking.. Well, we have fun.. anyway..
I will never forget that LOST SEA ADVENTURE..


OC Trekker said...

Wow! I've never heard of this place. I'm so glad you blogged about it. I'm always looking for new destinations to explore with my family. Sounds like a lot of fun. One day, I'll take a vacation to this destination & it'll be b/c you've introduce it to me. :) Thanks!

Emmy said...

I had never heard of this place! It sounds amazing. I would love to go there one day. Thanks for posting this. It definitely seems worth the ride. You're a great blogger. :)