Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Culture Shock?

When I first heard the words "culture shock" I did not pay attention to it. I don't understand what they mean of these words not until I had experienced it. When I was yet in my country, I used to hang out with friends after work. That is my normal life so to speak. I felt relaxed after the days work when I can talk to friends, co workers and even neighbors. When I arrived here in US, it's totally a different thing. Neighbors are very quiet. You can hardly tell if someone is living in the next door. As if all are busy with their own thing. You ca not see anybody standing outside their house or even sitting outside. Unlike in the Philippines you can see people everywhere. You can talk to your neighbors, ask questions and spend time talking to know each other better. I feel like a total stranger in our neighborhood. I 'm wondering where the people go? Lol. I feel all alone in the house. My husband is working everyday and I am left behind with no one to talk to. We have TV, internet and other musical instruments that I can use to alleviate my loneliness but these can never replace the happiness I would have to be with my friends as I used to in my country. I struggle to overcome but I made it in 2 years time. Dealing with culture shocked is really hard. It needs determination and positive thinking that you can make it.

1 comment:

riza said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. I know you can be used to the life over there. you can make it!