Friday, January 30, 2009

Earning online

Earning online is fun. I love it. When I first join in this venture of earning online, I am having a hard time because I don't know what to do to earn and what site I'm going to join. While I was reading my email, I've found something interesting. It says, WORK FROM HOME AND EARN.. I was so curious to check what it is all about and what am I going to do to earn? well, I was direcred to the site looking for writers. Oh? I am not a writer hahaha.. but then I give it a try. It says there in their promotion, YOU DON'T NEED TO BE A WRITER, just share what you know to the world. So, it's fun. My first article was about classroom discipline. Well, I had experienced teaching in a classroom with more than 50 kids and discipline is a problem but I made it. I learned some techniques on how to deal with students who are hard to control. That was my first earning online. I was paid $4.20 for that article. Well, not bad, at least I am earning? My articles are found in here.

I am glad I have found some earning sites online and spend my time in there than just merely watching tv or sleeping while at home. Here in America, everyone must have something to do to earn a little extra to supplement the family income. I have a degree but seems no body will hire me when I apply for work. So I have decided to just stay home for a while but not to just sleep or having a good time but find something to do to earn bucks. There are many places you can earn online but it is not a get rich immediately as other job seekers would want to hahaha.
It needs perseverance, patience, determination and hard work. Spend time to grow in online earning.

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